Villages of Santa Fe

Life Options with Barak Wolff
with Ann Church


May 17 (Wednesday)
at 1:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Nurses with Heart Home Care 1596 Pacheco St Suite 109/105 Santa Fe NM 87505

We are mortal beings. No one gets out alive! A “good death” is the kind of death one seeks. There are no right and no wrong answers. It’s our choice. For many of us, the target as we age into our “twilight years” is to maintain or even improve our quality of life and be able to have some control towards the end. This talk will provide an overview of end-of-life issues and options and how we can improve our odds of having the kind of death we want. There are no guarantees, but figuring out your values and discussing them with your loved ones and health care providers, understanding your rights and how to exercise them, being familiar with the components of the care system, and being knowledgeable about the various options at the end of life significantly increases the chances of things going your way. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and discussion!

Barak Wolff, MPH [email protected]
End of Life Options NM


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