I’m the behind-the-scenes tech person. I keep the class schedule, work on production quality, and love to see you in class. This fall, I start a series called' Fantastic Things Your Smart Phone Can Do.' Check out the schedule and sign up. And don't forget to "Just Keep Moving."
Karen' kk' Taylor: A Journey of Movement, Healing, and Leadership
kk Taylor is a distinguished certified coach and leader in mind-body fitness, with a multifaceted career dedicated to promoting physical health, emotional well-being, and holistic healing.
I love learning and am always continuing to advance my studies! I have a particular interest in the mind/body/spirit approach to health and healing and find great joy in helping others remember and reconnect to their true nature.
Bernadette Romero-Jaramillo, PT, DPT
Joins us today. She is the Clinical Manager of Christus St. Vincent Sports Medicine here is Santa Fe. She highly values personal and spiritual growth in her patients and others by encouraging these values to help heal the whole body.