Yoga for Overall Health
Thursday, 9 am MT
Location: Zoom
Instructor: Meghan
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Class Length: 45 minutes
Floor Work: None
Equipment: Chair without wheels, yoga or exercise mat, 2 yoga blocks, a blanket or small pillow, a yoga strap or fitness resistance band
Whether your goal is increasing vitality, overall health promotion/prevention, pain reduction, or improving a pre-existing condition, this class can benefit you! Learn how slow, mindful yoga and movement practices are a wonderful and safe way to improve mobility and joint health, strengthen muscles, improve balance, increase focus, decrease stress, and regulate/nourish your nervous system for improved physical and emotional health. You will learn how to move mindfully, noticing the communication between your body and brain, and how to adapt movements and postures to your body. No previous experience is required; this class is suitable for those with chronic health conditions, complete beginners, and accomplished athletes.